The technological development will also serve the voyeur. The pornographic film industry integrates virtual reality to allow its consumers to “participate in the action”. As it happened with the VHS and online payments, among other advances, this sector seeks to be again one of the protagonists that define the new platforms and devices of the market. The scenes will no longer be flat or in two dimensions, the viewers will feel part of the action.
Last year, in the annual fair organized by the pornographic magazine Adult Video News (AVN), the industry that has always sought to make use of the latest technology, moved to go beyond 3D and mobile technologies, and tried to create the sensation of participation. In fact, pornography has become more personal. 40 years ago, we had to watch these movies in a movie theater with 400 other people or watch video tapes in our student room.
It is estimated that there would be some 25 million websites in the world dedicated to pornography, and increasingly occupy more space on the Internet. But at this fair, everyone agrees that the sector uses the latest technology to ensure a future. Anyway, the consumer can still find traditional products, such as inflatable dolls or products to improve sexual performance.
The future
With these new technologies, there are no more cuts in the movies but a continuous action. This is different from 3D technology and according some computer experts, in the future, men will be able to intervene while the action unfolds in the film. Today, we can even interact with actresses through various porn cams like Lesbian cams, ebony cams, teen cams and so on. Technology always changes many things, not least how we explore the sexual side of mankind.