Thursday 19 September 2024
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Escorts And Money

Escorts And Money

Someone was talking with me the other day and asked a really good question, which is one that most people do not think of. So hats off to my friend for thinking of it. My friend knows that I own and run escprort agencies in Spain and across the rest of Europe. Basically anywhere that prostitution is legal. She has zero issues with my vhoice of profeesion and is, to be totally honest, kind of fascinated by iy. Sometimes I feel like a spider having its legs pulled off, but anyway.

My friend is a former work colleague and she is well aware that I am obsessed by running a clean business. No illegal escort girls who are not EU citizens or who do not have the right work permits. Nobody under the age of eighteen, ever. Preferably nobody under the age of twenty one, but that is hard to enforce sometimes. Especially with girls who escort Ibiza visitors. No escort girls that we even suspect might have been trafficked or are working against their will. I pay my taxes. And I have nothing to do with drugs, ever. I do not sell them, I do not consume them and I do not allow my receptionists to talk about them with clients.

My friend has a very good idea of the money I make running a one hundred per cent above board business. And she can see that, apart from the usual stress and hassle of being a business owner and manager, I have a pretty stress free life. So she asked me why people bother running illegal businesses in the sex industry when running a legal one is so much easier and more profitable. Is there really enough difference in the profits to make being a criminal worth the trouble? Apart from the (apparent and alleged) social cache of being a mobster or gangster is there any financial reason to work an escort agency outside the law?

Well for me it is not something that I would ever do. I have extremely strong personal moral and ethical issues with everything that goes with running a really illegitimate escort business. People trafficking is vile and repulsive. Steert level drug dealing is too risky. You have the pain of laundering and hiding your money. And I do not want to surround myself with “muscle” and criminals. Almost nothing is worth that pain in the arse! But is there more money in running a business on the darl side instead of being legal? Simple answer. Even after paying for all the muscle and other costs, yes it is vastly more profitable. And I would never do it.